Art UNITES us. Poems delight.
Collecting art from Toronto Schools
In order for Project Mask4Aid to be realized as a public art concept in the City of Toronto, it must collect dozens, if not hundreds of pieces of mask art and poetry from students and teachers within the next 45-60 days. Together, these pieces of art will be formatted and interwoven into digital slide shows and projected onto the sides of buildings, mainly school buildings, across Toronto. Other buildings in your community may also be used. This process is scheduled to take place between March 15th and May 31st, with the final slide show projections completed by May 31, 2021.
Toronto District School Board (TDSB), Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB), and several Toronto and GTA private schools have been invited to submit art. All Toronto schools are welcome to participate in this process. This page details how mask art and poetry should be created, photographed and submitted to the Mask4Aid team. This phase of Project Mask4Aid is called “Art Unites Us. Poems Delight.”
mask4aid Invitation and agreement
School principals, superintendents, teachers and others connected with schools were recently sent invitations to join Project Mask4Aid. More invitations will be distributed over the next three weeks. If your school agrees to participate, selected art and English teachers from your school should contact Project Mask4Aid team members through the following email address: A team member will contact you to describe the best method of quickly involving your students in art production. Elaborate examples from the internet can be seen here and here. Any K12 student creating art for submission should have a parent or guardian sign this permission slip acknowledging their participation, including permission for their child’s photograph to be taken with their mask art. Poetry submissions will not be photographed, but should be emailed directly to the Mask4Aid email address above with the student’s name. (Only first names will be used as identification of students in slideshows made public.) Please write “mask art submission” or “poetry submission” in the subject line when submitting Mask4Aid content. Once we are informed that mask art is completed at any given school, a Mask4Aid team member will schedule a photographer to take pictures of students with their art, either as part of a group photo or individually.
Project Mask4Aid art will be embedded into slideshows for projection on a rolling basis: as photo sessions are completed and poems are sent to us, we will design slideshows and schedule projections. Each school principal will be informed when their students’ art will be projected, with the time, place and date sent in advance for distribution to all teachers, students and their families in that school. This website will also list all projection schedules as a general reference for all schools.
If you ever have a question about participation, please write the Mask4Aid team at